Dear Friends, Join me in ushering in the NEW YEAR. 2024.
I tuned into Archangel Michael to offer inspiration and guidance as we turn that calendar to a brand new year. One in which we can truly rise above fear and connect to the GREAT power contained within. This is the message I was guided to share. The reading is inspired from Marianne Williamson and the Course in Miracles.
May it uplift you and inspire you to know… YOU ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.
“Mighty souls, I use this channel to share this affirmation of your Power and your GREATNESS. I ask for your assistance in transcending and transmuting fears on the planet. I ask you to..
BE BRAVE. BE BOLD. Move forward in faith and courage.
YOU are powerful beyond measure..
It is time to affirm who you truly are.
What holds you back in your lives is your fear and sometimes when you take a very close look, you may find out that your fears are not exactly what you thought they were.
Your deepest fear is not that you are inadequate
Your deepest fear is that you are powerful beyond measure
It is your light, not your darkness that most frightens you.
You ask yourselves,
“Who I am to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous.”
But actually,
“Who are you not to be?”
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world, there is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
You are all meant to shine as children do.
You were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within you.
It is not just in some of you, it is within all of you.
And as you let your own light shine, you subconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As you are liberated from your own fear. Your presence automatically liberates others.
So it’s holy work to move past your own fear, it doesn’t just help you, it helps the world.
I offer to you this prayer. Angels believe in you. God, the divine believes in you. Believe in yourself and you are unstoppable in liberation. Pray from your heart and you will transcend all burdens and rise above all of your fears!
Dear God, I face that which scares me. I am frightened by that which lies ahead. And so I place this situation and all related circumstances in your hands. Take this burden from me as I place it in your hands. I ask that my thoughts be transformed from fear to confidence, from fear to courage, from fear to faith.
May Angels be to my left and to my right, in front of me and behind me, above me and below me as I walk my path.
Dear God, remind my mind that you have already handled this problem. You have already taken this burden from me. Tell me where you would have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say to and to whom. Remind my mind that my life might be a bridge from the problem to the answer. And so it is. Amen.
I stand united with you. BE BRAVE. BE BOLD. Move forward in courage and faith. You are powerful beyond measure.”
-Archangel Michael
(channeled by Felicia Crawford)
JOIN Felicia this month to CREATE your VISION for 2024. She will be offering a Vision board gathering on January 6th from 11am-1pm. You must pre-register for this event.
Felicia Crawford has been working with the Angels for over 15 Years. Archangel Michael made his presence known to her during her work in the field of Reiki and Energy Medicine.
She offers personal readings and healings through her work with “Therapy for the Soul”. These sessions are a combination of Reiki, ThetaHealing and Angelic Communication.
Visit her website for more information @
Visit her YouTube Channel to receive weekly messages from the Angels to inspire your life!